1) At the bottom of each post are three things you can click & check: Like, More of this, and Less of this. The latter two came out of a desire inherent in this blog’s creation to keep up my writing skills, especially after a full semester of visual journalism. If you think I should write like I did in the applicable post more often, you can check “More of this.” If you don’t (because I skipped a logical step, because I used the wrong word, because I was too formal/informal, I’m using too many parentheses), you can check “Less of this” and tell me in a comment or e-mail what you think should change. I’m putting myself out on a limb here, so if you decide to do this, I’ll greatly appreciate constructive criticism but go :p- pbbbbbbbbbt if you’re just annoying.
As for the first check box: it came from here. A commenter (that sounds so formal!) wanted a button like they have on Facebook, and I thought it was a good idea.
Feel free to use or not use them. It’s a good informal feedback mechanism (keyword: informal).
2) If you want to leave a comment, but you don’t have a Google or similar account, you can comment as Anonymous and leave your name at the end of the note so I know who it’s from. If you REALLY want to remain anonymous, though, then I guess you can. ::rolls eyes:: You can always comment on the Facebook link, of course.
3) I like having conversations in the comments on each post. I won’t start them (outside of writing the post), but if you do, I’ll probably respond fairly quickly. (Almost certainly within the day, and sometimes within the hour if I’m watching closely enough.) Unfortunately, I haven’t found if Blogger can do the notifications thing that Facebook does, so some of the conversations may turn into dead ends. I’m okay with that. I don’t expect people to follow my blog as much as I do. They have more to their lives than that. ...Right? ;D
4) The content remains random. I could post something that just happened, a memory from tons of years ago, some newspaper articles, a short observation on life, a book, a joke, a song, a photo, or anything (ANYTHING) that comes up in my head. Eventually I might form a pattern where a day of the week corresponds to a theme, but it will only come out of what has already been established naturally. I won’t try to force it.
...Given that, I might start a series. This blog is officially called, “Wandering Eyes (with a FREE wandering brain)” in reference to my interest in photography and in homage to Billy Mays. (“Call now, and you’ll get another tube of Mighty Putty ABSOLUTELY FREE.” Rest in peace, Billy, rest in peace.) The URL, though, is iseewhatshesaidthere.blogspot.com. It combines an acknowledgement of a joke that’s a bit clever, but not universally LOL-worthy, with the injection (mostly unintentional) of innuendo into a conversation. So, to acknowledge that URL, I’ll end some/most/all posts with either a clever quip (it could be funny, or it could be a case of trying too hard) or an innocent-turned-dirty quote (it could be funny, or it could be a case of trying too hard).
The first one, of the latter kind (so you've been forewarned), is self-referential. I didn't mean to type it as a "that's what she said," but when I read it over I made the connection:
I made it to the top again. Dead tired, but on top. And probably faster than last time.
Automatically making crude connections. This is what you learn in college... along with important life skills. Apologies if that was a bit much.
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